Visual Dictionary

Line: quality (thick,thin,broken) implied line, linear networks

Shape: a flattened enclosed area

Texture: physical, visual, invented texture

Value: proportion of lights to darks


Color: that possessing hue


Plane: form that has width and length but minimal depth



Volume: refers to enclosed area of three-dimensional space


Mass: solid three dimensional form



Space: area with or around an area of substance


Light: can enhance or obscure, influence emotions, direct the eye, and intrigue

Time/Motion: actual and implied are aspects of time


Unity/Variety: similarity cohesion/ visual diversity


Balance: symmetrical- visual or actual equilibrium of two halves of a composition


Scale/Proportion: comparative size of an element in relation to its surroundings/ relationship between different elements’ size in comparison to one another


Rhythm: sense of movement- regular/irregular pattern or grid

Emphasis: arrangement of elements of art to make some areas primary focal points

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