blog post #11

Finally, the professors showed us work that they’ve done in their time. Tuan’s work was exactly what I expected it to be; very precise with each design. I liked how he designed items for his family’s business. He pretty much did a little of everything in the design world. I mostly loved the 500 doodles on the index cards. Hollis was more of the drawing type. Her drawings were so detailed, I felt like bits and pieces of one drawing can be its own presentation. I loved the “home sweet home” piece about the natural disasters because it just speaks to me.  Also, her “losing my shit” was a great title for a great piece that is all over the place. Bill told us that life is not linear and to do work that means something to us instead of what they want us to do. His black and white images are outstanding how they grasp the viewers eyes and how we feel emotionally attached. From photo journalism to commercial photography, Bill showed us to find something we like and keep practicing until we can master it.

As of right now, I don’t know what I want to do after college. I know I won’t have any money because of all the loans I have to pay but if I could do anything, I would want to do Film/Video Production Still Photographer or fine art photography. I enjoyed doing my own documentaries on my spare time.

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Student athlete at St. Eds looking to become a graphic designer

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