emphasis i think depth tassle variety final whole lying down 2 key final tall swirly one rhythm final underneath final whole lying down taddle final close up stitch stitching depth final ahishdka whole hanging final

My final product ended up being a completely handmade paper lantern. I used black paper, my final drawings, a silver sharpie, and silver thread to create this. It was extremely labor intensive, but turned out exactly how I wanted it. I got the idea to make a lantern because of my love for decorations, and I have a handmade paper lantern at home in my room, and I really admired whoever made it because of the time that person put into it. I spent about 20 hours making it, because the stitching was tricky, but it was worth the time. Below are my first drafts for the circle project, when we had to draw the 54 different ways to draw a circle, and also the second draft, along with my final picks for my final product.

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