Boardwalk Brand Book

Branding and Teaching

My boardwalk brand book aims to not only explain the structure of my public places brand but the emotions behind it. With my brand book, I don’t just so the reader my brand’s logos and styles I teach them how to use and implement them into a useful system of color, graphics, feeling, and culture.

The book its self-serves as a tribute to the identity of the Boardwalk. The accordion style gives flow and pace to the booklet along with a unique experience for each reader. There’s no true front and back so you may open to the large picture spread or information guild. One can fully extend the book or flip pages.  The inside practices what it preaches as the design is shown implemented not only in the example city bus wraps but in the typefaces, the color, and the use of the wave pattern.

The text explain and expresses the uses and the reason behind each element helping the read connect more to the brand and the Boardwalk.

See Pictures Here

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