My Eternal No More

cj my eternal no more

By C.J. Shaleesh

In life we are lost souls;
Always searching for answers just beyond our grasps.
With you those answers, no longer surreal
And so exposed, they burn with a luminous glow.

Like a blank page, no lies can be told,
Not until the dreams unfolds.
This is like the story of you and me,
A fantasy in which only I can see.

You are my partner, companion, and friend
And don’t notice how I see your beauty within.
A jumble of hair always in disarray,
Just like your mouth, with what you say.
A mindset which no one comprehends,
But intrigues me the most, none the less.

Inspiring is your heart,
An addiction, always luring me in for more.
Eyes of curiosity you possess;
Untainted by even my most judgmental statement.
Quiet with tone yet severe opinion,
My favorite combination in your hands.

Inside you converted my monochromatic views of life,
Into one that goes beyond the color spectrum,
But in the end you won’t ever feel the same way;
So whoever you long for, I hope she at least treats you okay.

And it partly oppresses me to say,
You will be my never lover
But always my friend.

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