In the Judgment Procession

By Amani Abusoboh

I see you there lining up
in the Judgment procession
stripped of everything
save your fear
You’re being watched
by your own shuddering looks
and your sweat, pouring down on the edge of the story
The heavy sighing of the scene blows on your face
The wailing of women bereaved of their children drowns you
The salt of their tears collects in the very core of your heart
whips that thrash what was once the opening of a love poem
You’ve deflowered the hymens of their hearts
gouged joy out of their spirits’ eyes
carved early wrinkles
on the reflection of their features
in the mirror of the poem
They got pregnant with your pain
With your rage
your cruelty
your debauchery
They gave birth to you through the waist of their pain
They gave birth to you, a bleeding wound
that prohibited them for ages from embracing God
and with it they forget how to pray
in the Judgment procession
I see you lining up
Trying to gather what you might have forgotten
in the valise of your human being
your human being!!
wheat that has been decayed and eaten by worms
water that has seeped through the sieve holes
and turned into a mere possibility
in the procession of judgment
I see you lining up
a losing number
with shuddering eyes
and lips silenced
by God’s scream through them

Translated from the Arabic by Nizar Sartawi.

Amani Abusoboh was born and raised in Palestine. She holds a BA in Psychology and Education and an MA in community psychology, both from Bir Zeit University in Palestine. She is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Organization
Development at St. Edward’s University. After her studies, she hopes to apply her skills in developing and improving mental health systems in Palestine.

Photo by Fadi Arouri.

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