Visual Studies Seminar Blog Post #7

  1. I love the arts, especially photography, which is why I decided on this major: Photocommunications. I believe this major will help me prepare for a career in the future because I want to become a professional photographer. I’m not sure what I want to do exactly with my photo skills yet, but that is why I think this major is awesome. There are so many different types of photo classes available for me to take. I am able to experience different types of photography through this major and because of this I will hopefully be able to figure out what I want to do when I graduate. I don’t really have a backup plan if this major doesn’t work out, because I’m hoping that it does work out.. This is all I want to do at the moment and I don’t know if thats going to change anytime soon.
  2. I don’t have a minor or a second major, however I used to want to be a teacher so majoring in education could be a possible option. I think majoring in education would be good for me because it would be easier to find a job. Also, if I got a job at a school I could be an art or photography teacher which would be like a combo of the two things I would like to do once I graduate.

Visual Studies Seminar #6

  1. My greatest strengths in Rhetoric and Composition include actively reading well and completing assignments on time. For greater success in this course, I need to be more vocal in class. My greatest strengths in Art and Activism include being able to critique art. For greater success in this course, I need to take more detailed notes on the things we speak about in class. My greatest strengths in Visual Studies include being able to complete the projects on time. For greater success in this course, I need to go out and shoot more photographs. My greatest strengths in my Social Justice LLC Seminar include going to class and paying attention to the speakers. For greater success in this course, I need to participate more often. My greatest strengths in Photo 1 include being able to shoot and develop film. For greater success in this course, I need to be more organized and manage my time wiser.
  2. My computer skills include knowing how to work technology pretty well, being able to teach others how to do things on computers, and being able to work applications like Lightroom indesign and photoshop. I still need to learn more shortcuts on the keyboard.
  3. My greatest strengths as a researcher/writer include being able to explain things really well and do thorough research. I need to work on these aspects of research and writing: expanding my vocabulary and not procrastinating finishing my papers. I learn best and accomplish most when I’m alone in quiet; not distracted by my phone or my friends.
  4. 10 ways I could improve my performance in Rhetoric and Composition:
    1. Participate more often
    2. Read more thoroughly
    3. Not procrastinate when writing
    4. Ask more questions
    5. Go to office hours if I need more help
    6. Pay more attention in class even though its early
    7. Get another classmates number so I can contact them if needed
    8. Print out the readings so I can have them in front of me when talking about them in class
    9. Write down deadlines in a calendar
    10. Do revisions on my short writing assignments for extra points

Visual Studies Seminar Blog Post #5

  1. Hearing about the senior photographer’s experiences in college was really exciting for me because I found myself relating to many of the things she spoke about. I am also a bigger fan of film photography so I was glad to hear that she is more into film too. I want to travel and study abroad too so it was great to hear about her study abroad experience and that she was able to stay for a longer period of time to travel the surrounding places and take photographs. Although I’m not as interested in graphic design, art, or game studies it was actually very interesting to hear more about each of those majors in more detail about what they are and what they do in each. When the artist was speaking I thought it was cool how she told us that even though she isn’t really a graphic designer she was still able to help the Mexican American Community Center with their graphic design needs. I also really enjoyed seeing her specific and unique style. When the graphic design major was speaking I was extremely intrigued because I’ve always loved fonts and typography since I took yearbook all throughout high school just like she did. Hearing about how she was able to create her own font was so cool to me because I’ve always wanted to do that, but it seems so difficult. Lastly, a game studies major spoke. I honestly had no idea that was even a major until we started this seminar, so hearing more about it was pretty cool. I didn’t realize that there were so many aspects to this major and that so much work went into making a game. I wasn’t aware that each student has to create every single part of the games they are making. She told us that she spent so many hours working on her final projects; she said she never took her eyes off her computer for hours at a time. I actually didn’t even think about how you have to be an artist as well as how you have to be able to program a game in this major. You have to be able to draw and create the imagery in your games as well as all of the technical things which really shows skill.
  2. I chose this website because it is one of my favorite blogs, but I also love the design and the graphic elements used in this website. I love everything from the colors, to the graphics, to the actual content of the blog posts.
  3. I really like this website because of how when you first go to it it opens up with short video clips. Then from there you can click on the different projects she has done. Thinking about making a website for myself in the future I would really like to do something like this.
  4. This is my cousins website where she posts all of her photography. Although this website is quite simple, I really like it because its easy to navigate and understand. It is also visually pleasing because of the cleanliness and minimalistic characteristics.
  5. This last website is again, pretty minimalistic and very clean looking. It’s a little harder to navigate, but the visual and graphic elements are really cool.

Visual Studies Seminar Blog Post #4

  1. The goal of this assignment was to capture gestalt in photos on South Congress.
  2. In the first photo I think I captured gestalt in the continuity and movement of the woman with the dress, and also with the grouping/proximity of the woman and her dog. There is also a repetition of patterns in not only the bricks, but also her dress. In the second photo I also tried to show grouping/proximity between the man and woman. Along with that there is also some containment. The two people are contained in between the two poles. The poles show symmetry and asymmetry at the same time. They show symmetry because they are on either side of the people, however they show asymmetry because one is close to us and the other one is on the other side of the street. 
  3. I think the strongest parts of these works is that they show gestalt and they also carry a theme between the two of them. They both contain yellow and show grouping between to people.
  4. The weakest part of these works is that they aren’t as artistic as I would like, they are mostly just showing the technical parts of the photographs.
  5. This project can be strengthened conceptually by maybe shooting photos of people from the front instead of only the back, and maybe taking pictures of other objects or architecture.
  6. Technically, I could probably vary the gestalt principles in the pictures or find a way to use more of them in each photo.