Blog Post #3

I love Akira Toriyama artwork, especially his Dragon Ball work. I have always been fascinated on how amazing the artwork is, how much time and patience it must have taken him to complete each page of the manga. It had always wondered how did he come up with Dragon Ball, he discusses this in an interview. It is funny for me, because this manga started in 1986, and he has forgotten some of the capabilities the character have. He admitted himself that he forgot that there was a 3 form to a super sayin. This series still continues today, with it being called Dragon Ball Super now. I first started watching Dragon Ball when I was around 10 when my uncle introduced it to me, he also gave me an action figure of the main character Goku with removable parts. At first sight I was in love with it, the story was amazing, my uncle even to this day watches Dragon Ball Super. My uncle still has collectable action figures from the show from when he started watching it. It is such a big hit not only in Japan, but all over North America. Many people love his work, there has even been fan art with the characters from the show. There is still no knowledge if the series will ever end, but not knowing that makes it even more exciting on how much stronger Goku can get. No matter how old I get, I will continue to watch this show until it ends. 

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