Ramirez, February

photo-13  photo-15photo-14 photo-16For the month of February, I visited Mt. Bonnel and Lake Austin’s 360 bridge. On February 8th, the weather was chilly and there wasn’t much sunlight. Mt. It was still a good day for a hike at Mt. Bonnel. I did not notice a lot of life except for a few birds and ants. The trees and bushes were still green and the water of the lake was dark and gray. On February 14th I went to Lake Austin’s bridge. The habitat is completely different than Mt. Bonnel’s because at hte top it is just solid rock. It was very sunny (79 F) and I saw lots of birds and red ants. The water on the lake was bright blue and I could hear the distant noise from the city. I went back to Mt. Bonnel February 16th and not much had  changed, it was windier and this time, some of the leafless trees were starting to become green again. February, like January, was a month with bipolar temperatures, but I can feel the warm weather’s presence more and more each day. Aldo Leopold said, “It is the part of wisdom never to revisit a wilderness, for the more golden the lily, the more certain that someone hsgilded it. To return not only spoils a trip, but tarishes a memory” (141). I find this thought interesting because I made good memories out of this excursion, and I plan to go back next month and keep observing time’s effect on nature.

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