Ford- April Blog Post

“There are degrees and kinds of solitude. An island in a lake has one kind; but lakes have boats, and there is always the chance that one might land to pay you a vist. A peak in the coulds has another kind; but most peaks have trails, and trails have tourists. I know of no solitude so secure as one guarded by a spring flood; nor do the geese, who have seem more kinds and degrees of aloneness than I have.” Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac

For the final month of April, I quite enjoyed being able to take some time off of schoolwork for the purpose of completing a school assignment. It was very relaxing in order to be taken off to my favorite spots within a reasonable walking distance to St Edward’s campus. I know think I should have planned out trips better in order to carpool with classmates, but hindsight is 50/50. I felt very little stress while I was there out amongst God’s finest creations. A thing of beauty they were.

Touring the locations, it was interesting to see the forests be sprung alive like I had not seen in the previous months. Growing tall and wide, these trees were fully embracing the spring with their long, weaving branches. Their canopy was a better shade than half the umbrellas I had bought in my life. Their leaves came off in such a vibrant green to my eye that they looked like waxy felt, well close enough to it. I know I am off, but I cannot say where. The pond was far less brown. The reeds of yesteryear had been replaced by new, green reeds and grasses standing tall. They were like soldiers standing in rank and file, waiting for the battles faced by them each and every year. Making war and peace with Mother Nature, they stood there, gently flowing in the breeze. There was all these little bugs over the cacti, I think Junebugs.


The bird population was what really astounded me this month. Many more had moved in than last month had had. There were so many birds fluttering about. They were resting on branches; foraging on the ground. They were everywhere and were of every variety. It was beautiful to be serenaded by their birdsong. I would love to spend every minute of every day listening to them, but alas, the hours in the day are not there to.


Now, I will discuss the world cloud analysis. The fact that beautiful is the largest word is complete and utter garbage. That was my go-to word and everyone thinks that they can just go ahead and use it. I mean sure, maybe they found it beautiful, but we could have probably been a bit more descriptive. Of course, everyone was probably using different words and propelled this one to the top.

It is poignant that even though twenty different students all wrote about different experiences, that we all had remarks that were similarly tied in together. It was an exercise in appreciating the earth for its universal beauty and I believed in that way, it succeeded. I have a deep appreciation for this project, but I am tired from this last month of work and work. I would love to fulfill the word count, but I believe my concise words are better than going on and on with drivel to fulfill a word count. I hope you do not judge harshly for it. Thank you for reading and goodnight.

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