Creativity and Making_Message

I want to understand better the tapes, I was incredibly confused and it was hard
for me to believe it was 41 minutes of that. I don’t even know what to call it, it made my
head hurt a lot honestly when I was listening thou it, I don’t know if it’s because I’m sick
or is it is because there where voices coming from everywhere, there were different
noises of all volumes, people saying the same and different things in different pitched
voices, etc., it was just too much for me. My reaction to the book was how interesting it
was, I was interested when I was reading it because it was something like I had never
read before, I liked the fact that it went part by part it didn’t just throw it all to you in an
essay format. I also enjoyed the fact that most of the pictures helped my understanding
of what the author was trying to say. I agree with what he says about the fact that the
medium can change drastically with how it is messaged. A simple example would be, if I
am looking for my shoes, and I yell and someone “where the fuck are my shoes?!” they
are probably going to assume that either I think they took them or I’m mad at them for
something else. On the other hand, if I said “hey, I’m looking for my shoes, have you
seen them?”, that acts like a politer way to say it which will take you a longer way.

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