Blog Post #2

I spend a lot of time later in the afternoons either studying, hanging out with friends or some combination of the two while I get most of my serious work done early in the mornings when I’m the most focused and motivated to do hard work. Practice time does tend to take up large portions of my day but I get make up time on the weekends along with Monday and Friday every week.  






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Blog Post #1

The idea behind article one is that entrepreneurs can learn from artists is that it’s okay to think about things in a strictly non-business-like way. A little outside the box thinking is what makes really great projects come together and breath life in businesses. Artists unique take on life and the human condition are great assets that should be used to their full potential and never be ignored no matter how odd or outrageous the idea.  

Article two mainly focuses on the short comings of an artists and how a good foundation and team makes a great business. While creativity is nice if you have no direction it’s all for nothing. Having a team of people behind you that are willing to accept the eccentricity while keeping you on track is the best formula for success.  

I scored a 4 on the grit scale so that’s pretty nice. The best thing for me to do in order to increase my grit would be to be more consistent on my short-term projects and goals. I would also like to work on my level of focus, while it’s enough to be considered “gritty” it feels like it’s only skimming the surface of what being gritty really is.

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