Blog Post #1

-Part 1-

  1. What are the main points of each article?
    1. In the first one, the main point is that artists make great entrepreneurs because of the fact that they can relate to the people they are trying to reach out to due to showing feelings and emotion. In the second one, the main point is that artists and entrepreneurs share the same passion and want for filling demands in the market.
  2. What can artists learn from their “entrepreneurial cousins”?
    1. How to put their stuff out for people to pay attention to.
  3. Do you agree that artists are entrepreneurs? why?
    1. Yes, because they use art to convey feelings and make relatable content so that people will be attracted to seeing their stuff.
  4. Which of the 12 characteristics of artists do you agree with?
    1. Artists are neophiles, because of they want to bring out their work to people and grab the attention of people who want something new or something that they can empathize with.
  5. What others would you add to the list?
    1. Artists are humanists and artists are craftspeople.
  6. Additional thoughts.
    1. I thought this was a cool read because a lot of artists do entrepreneur-type stuff to bring out their art more.

-Part 2-

  1. Do you have grit, or is this something you need to work on?
    1. For me, grit is definitely something I need to work on, as I have made the lower end of the scale
  2. List a couple of things you could do to increase your level of grit.
    1. Focus and finish projects more often rather than get distracted by new ones.

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Class of 2021, graphic design major with an animation minor.

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