Blog Post #7

I enjoyed Camille Dollins’ presentation and seeing all of the different things she designed, from a self-care box, to a look book an app and more works. She expressed how her success did not just happen but it was a lot of work and opportunities. Like how she explained about how she made her works, like how the Look Book was only because of her friend who promised a difficult task and the Lucine project was because she wanted to help people. I am glad she mentioned internships and as an artist how important it is to try and be hired as a paid intern.


It was difficult to understand Abbas Deidehban’s work because of the lagging skype call, but seeing his different work in advertisement was very interesting. Especially about the Brisk advertisements and how the characters were made from someone else’s artwork and given personality and such.


I feel like I could relate mostly to Camille mostly because I prefer illustration which is some of the work she has done as opposed to Abbas’ advertisement work.


I found the way that Camille was able to work on the Look Book surprising. It was only because her friend underestimated the work to be done and as stressful as I am sure it was for Camille she did a good job and it was a good opportunity to show off her skills.


The most valuable advice I would say is what Camille mentioned about getting a paid internship. Especially in the artistic field that is important because artists deserve credit for the work they’ve made and it is not fair for companies to take someone’s work and claim it as their own.

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