Visual Studies Seminar Blog #7


GDES alumni:

I related to Camille the most because I like the work she does and it’s something I feel like I would be interested in doing. I did some graphic design in high-school for yearbook so I understood some of what she was talking about. I enjoyed hearing about what she does with her job and how she applies her skills.

Abbas surprised me because he does a very wide variety of things and a good amount of it is for big name brand stuff. It’s cool to hear about what he’s accomplished in the working world.

I just really like hearing people’s success stories, they may have struggled along the way but seeing that they are doing good now is good motivation to keep going and not give up.

The thing I took away from their presentations was that you should like what you’re doing. I have always believed that your job should be what you’re passionate about and I was glad to hear someone say that. It reinforces that idea for me.

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