March 21, 2017

Mystery Assignment

I see this information being used for a conference—that seems fairly obvious. Perhaps this information could be used as a data based as a digital archive to clearly display the viewpoints, missions and goal of this organization and its member for future reference

March 20, 2017

Adv Type Midterm Essay

Earlier this semester I declared that about six hours a week should suffice when designing for this class, but I was strongly mistaken when working with typography in space-time. In reality I was working 7-10 hours a week creating and working with so many elements on screen while also trying to push myself to learn new things about after effects that I could potential incorporate into this project.

I think my definition of sophisticated definitely has changed from last semester to this one. As an emerging designer I believe that context is key to good design—often asking myself “where does this belong”. I see that my design choices are gearing away from such overtly obvious cues for context and my work is more able to communicate what I want it to without such overt cues. My work just seems all around more sleek as well.

Again I learned the issues of time. I wouldn’t say at all I procrastinated but I realized this semester that time will slip away if I don’t have a scheduled plan. A futuristic weather report could manifest itself in many different ways and I wanted to research enough so that I will be able to have a concrete vision of what my future would look like and I also tried to research after effects techniques that could make that happen…then issues of actually doing all that tedious work emerged. So I feel like I’m more christened to my process and how I work so I will be better able to make a schedule for myself. Other than that I learned about hierarchy and choreography with typography and reducing the amount of stress on the eyes even though there were a lot of points on screen.

I really want to know how to animate type beyond the basic motions but morphing type or other elements or have a tool belt of ground level skills so that perhaps I can experiment with that myself.

I think this project is very important given that we’re dealing with animation. I think that sets this project apart from anything we did before with type just for the mere fact that this is dealing with time, but I don’t weigh this project as important as the identity one we’re doing with Jimmy now because the weather report doesn’t have an intention of use. It may be a start to something but the contextual basis is in the air.

I take it upon myself for grow. That’s really the main contributor for grow. I see that other people can help you but it’s through your own initiative. I appreciate to have a professor to guide and help me to see direction because I think a mentor of some sort is important, in anything, unless if your a pioneer in what you do. I value my classmates in the sense where I see where I am in comparison to other people at the same level of development as I am and how they approach prompts, but besides that I view them as competitors.