Degree Plan

I plan to study Interactive Game Studies for four years. These classes include screenwriting, world building and other such awesome classes. These will help me when I enter the gaming field of work and, hopefully will help me learn how to tackle the business world and start my own videogame company. I am also minoring in Business for the aforementioned reason of owning my own company.  With a business minor I can learn the bare-bones parts of a business and learn how to manage my money and build the company more efficiently.

Reflective Movie Essay

I watched the second movie and enjoyed it as much as possible. The movie used sequencing in a very interesting way in that it would switch perspectives of both Manni and Lola, as well as switching between realistic and animated scenes. The story also had set sequences that changed every time Lola started over. The sequencing helped tell the story through showing the changes between each one of Lola’s runs and how the different choices caused different outcomes,

Blog Post #5

The student speakers were very interesting, as well as very good at their craft. Unfortunately I did not write down names but I do know which I enjoyed most. One I enjoyed extrememly is the photography student whose name slips my mind. her art was amazing and the camera work was superb. all of the effects and touchups done looked almost natural, as if they belonged there. The other student who caught my attention was the Game Studies major who had so much to explain on the topic of games and how to be successful in the industry.

This page is the student contest page on the blizzard website, showing the winning drawings and other such things from their contests. I enjoy the layout because of how it organizes every space accordingly, as well as with matching the companies colors and fonts.

Blog Post 6

My greatest strengths include:

Social skills

Group work

For greater success in all classes, I need to:

focus a touch more

work on time management

Visual Studies:

Learn to be more artistic

Understand Photoshop

Learn Light room

Create more collages

focus more on what is asked

learn how to frame a picture

understand what makes a good/bad picture

get to class on time

create more in Photoshop

talk to professors to see if there is anything they think I need help with.

These pictures were used in our visual studies program to teach us how to take photos with certain requirements (on south congress and between Oltorf and the river).

On the first picture, I wish I wouldn’t have edited the blue of the sign to be as dark as it is. I wanted to have the contrast5 between the blue and the red to be more apparent. On the second picture I wish that I had understood the rules of the assignment, as this picture was take on Oltorf on South Congress.

Harmony One

I decided to attempt to do an exquisite corpse type style with different hands to for an image using said hands. I had roughly 6 different hands printed out, and, with the help of some friends input, created symbols from childhood (hand turkey; punch game hand sign) to give it a touch of a feel of childhood found in all people.