Category: Visual Studies 1

Blog Post 11

Part 1: For the Faculty presentations there were three presentations, Bob, Joe, and Alex. Bob presented his passion and childhood when it came to video games. Joe presented a number of pictures from his work that is about his family. Alex presented pictures of her family and talked about her work and how having children has changed that.

Part 2: the class was informative and it was exciting to see all the opportunities I have in Austin as a student when it comes to my career.


For the Pecha Kucha, I will be using these two photos that I used for my college project in Visual Studies 1. These images are a conjunction of 8-10 images into one main image.

Book Prototype

Book Draft 2-27eecx2 For this Book draft I was able to get half of the book done, when I go back home this Thanksgiving I will be able to get pictures for the other half of my book, I made it the way it is because I wanted it to give off a certain feeling, a feeling of anxiety and not fitting in, the pictures are placed the way that they, because I wanted to focus on that as my subject. the lyrics that I will be putting in my book will also reflect on that, I will work on making the pictures looking better on the page so that it looks clean but yet still gives off the feeling I wanted.


Book planning

So for my thumbnails, I first decided to figure out how many pictures in total I would need and how “Sequence” would fit into the photos. For the photos, I have decided that for both songs they will start with a dark and grimy look and then as the photos progress they will become lighter, and in the middle of the book I plan on adding a page of drawings to use as a border between the songs as to signify a major change. I was not able to go out and take pictures this weekend, but I plan on taking pictures this week so that I can make progress.

Book draft 1.indd-2btg77o

Scouted Locations

So for this week I decided to go out and take picture at one of my scouted locations, I mapped out where I took each photo and at what time I had arrived at the location so that I could experiment with different times. I only went to one of my scouted locations because the other is harder to get to, I have to go to a forest for the pictures and I still have yet to go, but I got a couple of pictures in different areas to help give me an sense of how I want to take my pictures for this assignment. I am experimenting with times because if it is to dark then the pictures will not come out as I want.

Blog Post #9

  1. The alumni presentations that were given in last weeks class was all about internships and it got the alumni where they are. Alejandro was the one that stuck out to me because he works for RIOT games and because of his work with SXSW. What interested me the most was the internships for SXSW and how I could gain important resources and connections to help me get the career I wan.t
  2. Internships I am interested in


Blank book Sketches

For my book idea I want to portray two different lyrics to songs in two different sections with a section in the middle with graphic and drawn art. The Way I would use song lyrics would be by using a specific type of background, for example for one of the background can be nature based and the other can be based in a parking lot and I would use those backgrounds to emphasis the lyrics. The middle part would just be random and would have no correlation from the first sequence of pictures to the second, it would be a border that would clear the mind of the first sequence.

2.5 Sequence

The movie I picked from the selection was the second sequence movie called “Run Lola Run”. The way sequences in this movie are used are strange they are not like the usual sequences you would get in a traditional action movie. When transitioning into an important scene you see that Lola, the main character, and the rest of the film turn into an animation. This serves to increase the significance that Lola has the ability to redo and change a situation almost like a video game. The animation looks weird and doesn’t add much to the story other than giving the redo of the situations more meaning. Every other sequence in the movie is strange as well with weird camera shots and cuts to the past to add to the story line.

Hybrid Collages

For these collages I had already planned the design in my head and though it is not a 100% replication of what I wanted it is still good. I indeed wanted to branch out and do something different for this collage. Each of the shapes below can be a collage of their own but together they make something as well, you can even arrange them a bit to make them into something new. The wings are unique in their own way I managed to make certain parts of my image into a brush and use that to scatter the images across the page and I then later drew a wing on the backside of the page so that it would be random when I would cut them out.

Graphic Collages

For these collages I listened to what Tuan said and I sat down and for six hours I made collages. There was a bit of trial and error along with trying to figure out what I liked best these four collages were the ones that I made and the ones that I thought were the best I made two of each so two of the same concept two are supposed to be strange and kinda psychedelic I chose to use psychedelic colors, while the other two were more a mixture of pictures. The two mixed picture ones are actually my favorite I spent a good couple of minutes picking and choosing a good amount of photos that I thought would make this type of collage look great. In the end I came out with these four collages.