Harmony Final

Doing the last two i tried to take your last critiques and not go over board with thing yet still challenge myself. There were many times when I was over it and just wanted to stop because i got confused with what I was doing but I didn’t because i knew in the long run it would turn out okay. There is something about aAustin that attracts me to wanting to work with it so my two designs deal with the city its self. I have really learned to like the projects because after I am done with them i have really learned to like what I have done. Even if I others didn’t it has taught me that my work is my own.harmony harmony-2

Viu1100 post 5

img_0604img_0603This project was one of the more frustrating projects I had. It took a lot of time, and I ended up doing the wrong thing. We were supposed to create a collage and dig deeper into the pictures.

The strongest part of my past work is my use of lighting. The weakest part of the project was that I was unsure about what I was doing but it ended up really well. In the back of the picture there were some objects that were not supposed to be there if I would have cropped them out it would have been a great picture!

visu-1100 post four

I thought it was really cool seeing the upperclassmen work.To me it felt like a look into the future and what possibly my future holds. When Faith started talking about her work and how far she has come it really inspired me. I hope that at some point that i get to be on the same level as her when it comes to photography and how much she has done with it. The graphic designer was really cool as well. She too already has a lot going for her. I really would like to go into a business like she did for her internship. Even though I could not connect with the Art major as much as i would like I understood her because of the struggles she had is almost what I feel like I am going through. I think it is amazing to become an art teacher.My grandmother was an art teacher and I learned alot from her. The two gamers were really cool as well. I know it is hard to use programs like they use and I think it is so amazing how they have learned how to use them and do great things with it.
Adhemas Batista has a really cool portfolio. His work is so colorful and the way he uses a simple layout balances his work. It is simple and easy for people to navigate the page, and he really lets his work speak for itself.
Another person’s portfolio I really liked is a lady named Rosie lee. She separates her work into news related and work related. Even though it looks really complex to navigate it really is not.
I really liked studio art port not only do they showcase there work really well they market themselves. They also used a blog to help inform people more about their work as well.
Lastly Olly Gibbs has a really cool site. I think the colors pull me in. I really like that most of the portfolio is more of moving designs and it is an interactive website.

Collage Post

when walking down soco i noticed there were flyers everywhere. Not only were they on post but people were handing them out as you walked by. I also noticed that even though we were in such a urban area nature was growing like crazy. So when do these i wanted to show the creativity in austin itself. I really like this project and thought it was neat.img_0602 img_0603 img_0604

Visu 1100 post 3

Steve Mccurry is a photographer known for his amazing photos that can be seen in National Geographic. He has always been a photographer that I admired because of his amazing photos of bringing the unseen to be seen. His work is centered around human struggles and the happiness in people’s everyday life. He is know to travel all over the world and really get to know the life of the people he is photographing.

One of my favorite sets he has done is called the world rides. It focuss on how around the world everyone rides bikes that’s it something we all have in common. Each one of his pictures in this set tells its own story. I really admire that everything he does tells a touching story without words.

I recently discovered that he has a blog that I now want to follow. I really like his work because it doesn’t hold anything back and tells the real story of real life and doesn’t filter anything.

The two photos I decided to share were because of the emotion it shows and of the story they tell. Each one is raw in its own way and it cuts away at the world problems and shows how bad people really have it in life. Not just the old but even the young too.

When doing my research I used National Geographic, Steve Mccurry’s blog and New York Times.class download2

Gestalt 3

This time as i was taking pictures I knew exactly what I was looking for. I wanted the unseen art of Austin to be seen. Graffiti and art on Light post are everywhere but no one seems to appreciate it. I feel that if you were to pay attention to it it tells a story in itself.

These are just a few from my contact sheet and I feel like these are showing the Art in itself.
These are just a few from my contact sheet and I feel like these are showing the Art in itself.

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Visu-1100 post #2

I noticed in my schedule that most of my days I spend studying or in class. I sometimes question myself wondering if I have myself overwhelmed with how much i have going on.

003This is my favorite piece from last year. I did this for a senior last year for his basketball profile picture. It ended up being used in more than just is Profile picture but also in his advertisement before games.

Gestalt #2

After going back a second time I decided to go and take a deeper look into Austin that most people don’t pay attention to. This time I used the method of Law of Closure from Gestalt. Also I tried to focus a lot of my pictures based on lighting.

My favorite picture was this one becauseimg_3510 img_3560 img_3563 of the way the light came in on this picture really turned out well.