Don’t Use a Drill on Your $700 Device

So it seems that, counter to my last post, that some folks just can’t live without the option of a headphone jack. So much so that they were duped by a viral video into taking a drill to their brand new device…—headphone-jack-hack-isnt-real/91156728/

A video that was intended as a joke has been actually taken seriously by an unknown but significant number of phone jack desperate consumers. I would like to think that this is also a joke, but unfortunately it seems that drilling a hole into the side of their new iphone seemed like a perfectly plausible solution to more than a few folks.

An actual alternative to this approach has been the emergence of multiple cases that act as an adapter, allowing for the use of the old standby headphones. Please, if you know of anyone considering the drill, point them in this direction instead.

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