Blog Post #6

For each class ask yourself the following:

My greatest strengths in ________________ include:

Science: Taking Notes

Speech: Taking notes and writing scripts.

Photo 1: Shooting Photographs

Visual: Working in photoshop

For greater success in this course, I need to:

Science: Make better grades on the quizzes

Speech: Read more from each chapter

Photo 1: Use test strips more often

Visual: Make prints from photo shop and work to understand print setting better

Computer skills:

  1. My computer skills include: Video Editing, Photo Editing, and Graphic Design.
  2. I still need to learn: How to print professional grade images and basic web design

Research & writing skills:

  1. My greatest strengths as a researcher/writer include: Writing reflective essays.
  2. I need to work on these aspects of research and writing: Using literary devices more frequently.
  3. I learn best & accomplish most when: I feel comfortable to explore and have a demo that involves actually doing the process myself.


Choose one class that you are struggling with or are not doing as well as you could.

I could do better in my science class.

Now make a list of 10 ways you could improve your performance in this class

1. If I had a better grasp on the periodic table and what it means.

2. I could go to my teachers office hours and ask him to show me what in the world he was talking about in class.

3. I could ask my teacher to show me a better way to study for the quizzes.

4. I could find out exactly what information was going to be on the quizzes.

5. Take more precise notes.

6. Record each lecture and listen to them while studying.

7. While reading the chapter, I could fill out my study guide to make it easier.

8. Learn how to balance scientific notation.

9. I could turn in all three extra credit papers.

10. Look up practice tests/quizzes to help prepare for the real deal.



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