After reading and listening to the articles a few points stood out to me.  One that I was already familiar with was the fact that societies are shaped by the media. Almost all of Americans watch the news on TV or read about current events in magazines or newspapers, as well as apps and other websites.  All of these are examples of different types of media that are all trying to convey their own message.  If you read two different articles about the same topic, it’s unlikely that they’ll present the same information.  The media outlets can distort and change the information they give to you.  In this way they can shape what society learns about and doesn’t.  Also the fact that the children of today are no long being shaped by their parents but rather everything they are surrounded with.  The child’s whole environment shapes the way they grow up and what they think is right and wrong.  They mention that childhood is a relatively new concept.  In the past kids stated working or learning a trade as soon as they could, the “childhood” of today is something that has just come around.   This is interesting because I haven’t thought much about it, I can see what they are saying about childhood being a new concept however I think that children in the past still had a childhood it just may not have been for as long or as easy.  Along those lines todays school and set up like factories they say.  With assembly line-like set ups of learning.  Most children today seem to learn better in less structured schools.  Schools that focus on each student rather than the whole.