1st Year Seminar: Blog Post #5

Michelle in the ARTS: Her artwork and content that she puts in her portfolio really caught my attention. Compared to the others, I think her work is the most interesting because the way she expresses her creative value through drawings is really neat. Mainly because I actually would like to learn how to draw that good that is.

Hanna GDES: I may not take an interest in graphic design or have any thoughts of pursuing one in the near future but her content and work were well laid out. Each set of work has its own meaning and details and each of her work continues to improve in each one she does.

Alexis IGST: I have a mixed feeling about her work though. It still has some great content within her presentation but it didn’t really live up to my expectations to what an interactive games major would really work on as that is my current major I’m pursuing. She does make an incredible note, however, saying that IGST is surprisingly difficult and it takes dedication, determination, and persistence in order to succeed.

Clara PHCO: I’m not a photographic major so I really don’t know what to look for in her presentation. All I see are photos; really well-photographed ones at that. It’s kind of difficult to find the beauty of being a photographer because compared to the others since I don’t take photography that seriously but if she is putting that much effort into her major, then I don’t see a reason to dismiss her studies.


Part 2:

David Shaver(Professional Game Designer):http://www.davidshaver.net/

His works revolve around creating the bases of designing and scripting levels but have reached out from his preferred style of work such as system and narrative design. What caught my attention was his work shown in the Titanfall games.

Ary Shirazi: http://www.arashshirazi.co.uk/category/indie/

Although his profession wasn’t very clear on his portfolio, it did catch my eye with top quality images of his work within the gaming industry. He seems more like experimenting his talents within the gaming industry other than a fixated profession but his work does show promise. Having the idea to experiment and branching out to create more options in the future would really help make my portfolio.

Molly Jameson(Programmer):http://www.mollyjameson.com/

What caught my attention the most was her affiliation with the development of “Ratchet and Clank” video game, one of the best revival video game titles out there. With that kind of reputation and clearly showing that she’s capable, this could be an inspirational blog to look up for.

Jack Brown(Game Artist): Not only his work is top notch and professionally done, he is still a student learning the ropes. His portfolio is a great example and a great reference as to what my portfolio is going to look like.He drives me into focusing more on putting the best works of arts and projects rather than all of them into one pile.


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