Line Project


Our first major project focused on the usage of lines to create an art piece. I will be detailing my process for this project further under the cut, as well as show some close up shots of the final project.

To begin, we were told to create a line inventory of 75 different uses of lines. I approached this step by using as many examples listed on the criteria page. 20160224_191742

This inventory was incredibly hard for me to do. I wasn’t sure what all I was allowed to do, and I ran out of ideas quickly. Upon looking at the different approaches to the same project in class I got a better idea of what I should do.


With the second line inventory I removed the gutter on the grid because it wasn’t as successful as I had wished. It added easily an hour or two of additional work, and estimating the size of the gutter led many of the boxes to be uneven. The size of the boxes is much more uniform in the redo. I also wanted to organize the types of lines I was making by line weights, from pencil to the marker. It helped me create many different lines.


The other piece to this project were a series of gesture and cross contour drawings. My first set were more experimental, with me not understanding that both were supposed to be gesture, but with cross-contour lines overlaid on the gesture.


My second set of gesture drawings were much more gestural, and I focused on the lines that made up the trashcan. These drawings led to the creation of a small sculpture. 20160223_122600

This sculpture is made of sticks, thread, and trash bag ties. It is not the strongest or prettiest sculpture, but it does cast interesting shadows.

The shadows were then traced and used to create the piece above the cut. Here are some close up shots.



About Ellise Stokes

Hello! My name is Ellise, and I'm a senior graphic design major.
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