When I first began to listen to this podcast I wasn’t too sure of what to think; they were discussing things at the beginning, I was in a mind set of “get it over with; it’s an assignment”. However, once I began to really listen and hone in on what they were talking about and exploring, it became extremely fascinating and engaging to me.

I really liked the first segment when they stated “time hates art”, and how Terry made his Diffusion sculpture in order to “collaborate with time”.

I also really enjoyed the segment with the painter David McDermott and how the reporter went into his home. McDermott had an extremely invigorating and beautiful outlook on the past and the concept of time as not a linear thing, but as a permanent collection of co-existing moments. I loved when he said believing time was linear was a “death trap” (…”and you will die.”) and that we can all time-travel practically.

The discussion about this concept further into the podcast, that discusses free-will, was also very interesting!!

I thought that the Mojave Desert segment that concluded the podcasts was magnificently beautiful and haunting. I especially liked the idea of how little we are; the freedom, the largeness of space and nature, and Noah Purifoy’s sculpture that takes on a life of its own.

Overall this podcast was very humbling!

Podcast-ing is such an interesting and immersive medium, and they sort of collage together sounds and ideas in order to create an auditory experience.