Blog Post #11

Hollis Someone – Holly, you ARE SOOOOO COOOL. I love your work. You genuinely impress me with your artistic comprehension of chaos and destruction. I’d like totally hire you to help me make a game, like if I have a destroyed city and I need someone to design the rubble… that’s you Holly… that’s you.

Alexandra Robinson – no idea

Tammie Rubin – Her work seemed kinda b*tchy. The whole concept of, “I want my spectators to want to touch my work – to feel my work – but not be able to.” I hate teases. That’s so mean! Aside from that criticism some of her works… I would like to buy.

Bill Kennedy – BILLY!!! I didn’t know you had it in you! Your art and even the concept behind it is SOOOOOO beautiful. I love trying to figure out the original picture based off the one I’m presented and the title.

Joe Vitone – Kinda bored me. Nothing about his work fascinated me. Just black and white pictures (the worst kind).




5-Year Plan:

I need internships to be considered valuable to the video game industry. I’d prefer internships with companies I respect because the idea of having to voluntarily work for free SHAKES MY FOUNDATIONS. A despicable concept. If I’m lucky, I’ll be considered valuable enough to be employed as an intern for Rooster Teeth (located in Austin!).

Blog Post #10

Dude! Last presentation was TOTES fantastic! Right up my %$@#ing alley, bro!

SO these presenters were from Spacetime founded in 2005. They developed Pocket Legends in 2010. They focus on MMOs.

One interesting thing I learned is all that stuff about Excel being a big part of a game designer life! (fursure)

QUESTION: Are there any, like, secrets rooms on campus??

Blog Post #9

Look, believe it or not I pay attention in class, but I don’t take notes. You never tell me to take notes. I’m not going to take notes. PRESENTATIONS IN YOUR CLASS ARE NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO TAKE NOTES. I have not only no response to the presentation, but I also don’t have a memory.

This isn’t a company I know very much but it’d be a good to have experience at such a prestigious company.

This is a company I respect very much and would be ecstatic to gain experience here as an intern.

I don’t know this company or care.