Blog Post #8

My future isn’t too up to me. I’ve decided that if I was too have a “job” job, I’d produce video games. If that doesn’t work out I’ll just deliver pizzas my whole life.

If I could travel abroad I’d go to a dope-ass place like India or Italy, Spain, Ireland, Greenland, or maybe just Canada. Probably Ireland. Always wanted to see that beautiful place, adopt that beautiful accent… I’m a fan of the Irish.

I am not part of a student group. That said, I’d like to be part of an archery club or a club that organized hacky-sack sessions. Those are activities I’d be interested in.

Blog Post #7

Let’s start with a second look at the prompt:

Based on the notes you took during class, write a brief description and response to each of the Alumni presentations.

Possible points to discuss:

  1. Who did you most relate to? and why?
  2. Who surprised you? and why?
  3. What was the most valuable piece of advice you heard today?

So you never told us to take notes (I’ve asked around to make sure), so consider it your fault that this blog post won’t be based on any notes. However, I think I can answer the points above, so I’ll do that.

I generally have trouble relating to people I’ve only ever met watching a presentation they gave (I don’t know, I must be weird). However i was surprised multiple times by the story of the first presenter, generally around how she found success in starting a business off her senior project. It was a cool idea, I support it. Lastly, advice stopped being valuable to me when I turned 18.


Blog Post #6

For each class ask yourself the following:

  1. My greatest strengths in English include: Being able to articulate myself and make each word valuable.
  2. For greater success in this course, I need to: Ask more questions in class
  3. My greatest strengths in Topics in Gaming include: My ability to care and my insatiable curiosity
  4. For greater success in this course, I need to: Care more
  5. My greatest strengths in Comic Class include: An interest in comic culture and my ability to not take life too seriously
  6. For greater success in this course, I need to: To contribute more thought to the assignments
  7. My greatest strengths in World Religion include: A lack of knowledge of religions and a drive to know more
  8. For greater success in this course, I need to: Read more of the readings.
  9. My greatest strengths in Visual Studies include: Having friends in the class and Hollis’ intense levels of chill
  10. For greater success in this course, I need to: … you tell me

Computer skills:

  1. My computer skills include: A basic understanding of programming and everything less.
  2. I still need to learn: More advanced programming and how to hack at a novice level.

Research & writing skills:

  1. My greatest strengths as a researcher/writer include: I’m very articulate, and good at writing and things and whatever… im over it.
  2. I need to work on these aspects of research and writing: God, I’m perfect at writing and research.
  3. I learn best & accomplish most when: Don’t procrastinate.


Choose one class that you are struggling with or are not doing as well as you could.
Now make a list of 10 ways you could improve your performance in this class.

Apparently I have a 46.9% in visual studies and I have no idea why. I got a zero on blog post #2 and I did it perfectly. Given, it was a late submission, but that’s only because I keep forgetting the assignments need actual submission, not just posting. Please review the grade and reconsider.

-Pay attention


-Pay less attention

-I don’t care

-This class will never help me

-Just impede my ability to succeed

-I’m not gonnna do 10

-10 was an absurdly thoughtless number to assign


Blog Post #5

Firstly, the site isn’t allowing to upload pictures. It’s let me before but it keeps encountering some error. Secondly, None of my major’s classes have any current “visual” assignments. I’m taking Topics in Gaming (no visual assignments, just essays) and nothing else. I couldn’t take the usual art class because it was full when I got assigned classes, so no visual assignments to be had there.


Blog Post #4

I will not comment on each of the students presentations as some of them are worth forgetting 🙂 but I certainly enjoyed the first (photography). Her pictures constantly touched and inspired me. I hope that she will do well in life. As for the two guys that major in video game design, I enjoyed learning what they’ve done for their major, seeing as I have a similar major. I like the idea of creating a boss AI.

I find each of these sites incredibly attractive and easy to use. I never get lost or terribly confused while using these sites. Every aspect is relatively intuitive. If I don’t know how to do something I can generally figure it out before too long.

Without further ado: