Weather Report

Weather Report

The goal of the Weather Report project was to present data from four locations across a weekend (Friday through Sunday) in three LATCH structures (Location, Alphabetical, Time, Category, Hierarchy), all while keeping the data on the screen at all times.

The Weather Report was a real challenge for me. I was not particularly experienced with After Effects, so it was a real task to try and animate a whole weather reporting program in After Effects. The end result took an incredibly long time to produce, composed of hundreds of layers of elements all moving around the screen at just the right time to make things flow well. The data consisted of temperatures and weather conditions from four different countries over the course of a weekend. I used a blocky, condensed typeface to try and highlight the futuristic look without sacrificing legibility, and the icons followed a similar style to keep things unified. The animations started out by sorting the data by location, then by days of the week, and finally by weather types. All the icons and graphical elements were designed with a futuristic, modular system in mind that could easily shift around to represent different data structures. Similarly, all the animations are tailored to match this system, with the modules splitting into sections to be rearranged, or the data itself moving along the shape of the modules to get where it needs to go. Overall, the end result is a meaningful composition with attention to detail and a futuristic appearance, all meant to reflect the weather in several countries along the course of a weekend.


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