Blog Post #1

  1. For “Are Artists Entrepreneurs” Amit Gupta points out similarities between artists and entrepreneurs. How instead of them relying on other people, they could definitely learn a lot from each other based on how similar they are. For “What entrepreneurs can learn from artists” Tim Leberecht points out specifically what artists do, and how innovators can learn from that, and can use some of those techniques to help expand their business, or benefit from them. At the end of the day, even though artists and entrepreneurs are different, one can very well turn into the other, and they can have similar mind sets.
  2. Artists can learn to choose the right people to join them as they try make their goals come true. Having empowering friends, co workers, that motivate them to do their best.
  3. Yes, I do agree that artists are entrepreneurs. As artists even though we love to create, we also would love to make a living out of that. And we do that by putting our work out there, selling our work, or booking clients, and that is in a sense entrepreneurship. I am a graphic designer and I would love to eventually start my own business, have clients, a website, studio. That is entrepreneurship.
  4. I agree with number 9, that we are great storytellers. As artists most of the time our work spans from what we are feeling inside, or something that we want other people to see. I know that with my work, especially when it comes to hand lettering I hand letter nice sayings or quotes that I feel apply to me and I can relate to, and to someone else who sees it that can reveal something about me that they didn’t know.
  5. I would add that “artists are understanders” I don’t know if that is a word but, essentially that artists understand. I feel like artists have a different mindset, that they think on a deeper level then most people. To where life is not always just about money or higher up there but about being happy and doing these sort of creative things. So when it comes to being a good listener, we are good at that, and give essential advice because of the way we view life.
  6. Addition to what I said previously I would eventually want to start my own business. Which is why I feel that i should take a couple of entrepreneurship classes before I graduate so I can have a little bit of knowledge about that field. A lot of what I read in the articles are useful and put some things into perspective for me.


  1. Grit is something I need to work on. When I first started college, I had a lot of grit, but since then a lot of things have happened and now my grit is slowly decreasing which is something that i’ve started to work on this week, and hopefully will improve.
  2. One thing that I actually did this past weekend was delete all of my social media accounts. I feel like it was consuming me, and I would always find myself just scrolling and thinking about what I was going to post next. So i decided to cut all ties with it, and since then my mind feels more clear and able to focus more. I also feel like I should go to sleep earlier. I tend to go to sleep late, and then the next day I am tired and not having the motivation to do anything, so going to sleep earlier can make me feel super awake and refreshed the next day.

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