Tuesday, July 25. 1704.

Numb. 41.

A Grave Objector comes in now and demands, but what is all this to the English and Dutch, and what have they to do with the Quarrel between the Kings of Sweden and Poland; and last of all, if it be, what is it to the Matter in Hand, the Encrease of the French Power?

Patience, and the Process of the Story, will answer these Questions of Course. The King of Poland is our Confederate, a Member of the Grand Allyance; one, that whatever he has done to the Swede, would have assisted the Emperor with all his Forces against the growing Power of France, as appears by the Assistance he did spare him last Year, notwithstanding his own Streights, and therein we are all concern’d.

And as we have been very particular on the Royal Progenitors of the Swede, and their Glorious Actions, let us consider the King of Poland, tho’ the Changing his Religion, a thing we have nothing to do with in this Quarrel, may have prejudic’d us against his Person.

He is the Great Grandson of that famous Elector of Saxony, who joyn’d Heart and Hand with the Great Gustavus Adolphus, in that War against Ferdinand II. in which the Liberties of Germany, and the Protestant Religion were resumed from the Tyranny of the House of Austria; and who help’d to deliver Europe from Universal Slavery, then as much fear’d from the Austrian, as now from the Bourbonne Race; — That Prince who first dar’d to take up Arms against the Emperor when all was desperate, who form’d the Conclusions of Leipsick, and could never be prevail’d upon to renounce them, when all the rest of the Members of that League, the brave Landgrave of Hesse excepted, were frighted out of them by Count Tilly: That Prince who join’d his Forces with Gustavus Adolphus, and with him fought the terrible and bloody Battle of Leipsick, where Tilly and Popery were utterly routed together, which they never recovered; and from whence the Protestant Religion dates its Restoration in Germany. Continue reading Tuesday, July 25. 1704.

Saturday, July 22. 1704.

Numb. 40.

The Affairs of Sweden, which lay before me, had gone on in a due Chain of things in this Review —- But the Author has been diverted by a Terrible Attack, made upon the Intrenchments of his Honesty, as to Story.

This has been a bloody Battail, the Action of Schellenbergh is a Fool to it; the Author of the Daily Courant with his 20 Regiments of Booksellers, Storm’d Our Counterscarp, and tho’ they have formerly attempted it, and were beaten off as in the Review 17. and 18. yet having now Muster’d up all their Forces, they came on with an assurance Peculiar to News-Writers ——- and gave all the World Notice of the victory they thought certain; Inviting them three Days together to come and see the Sport.

I hope the Readers will bear the disappointment of what they expected this time in course, as to the King of Sweden, and accept of the short History of this Pen and Ink War as follows.

The Author of the Review Printed a Letter, Directed to the Club; concerning a wrong Quotation of the Leiden Gazette, see Review N˚ 37. Continue reading Saturday, July 22. 1704.

Saturday, June 24. 1704.

Numb. 32.

THE French Power in America was the Subject of our last; and as this could not be maintain’d without their extraordinary Conduct, as well as Success at Sea, there needs no other Satyr upon the rest of the World.

I promis’d in this Article to take Notice of their Sea Affairs; but since Experience has confirm’d what has already been said upon that Point, I leave those Gentlemen to Reflect on themselves and their Judgment now, who have Censur’d what I have already said on that Head.

We are told by the News-Papers, that Sir G—R— is in the Streights, with 45 Sail of English and Dutch Men of War, and yet we are told, that Count de Tholouse, with 29 ventured to follow into the Mediterranean; Wiser Heads than mine, say Sir G— was strong enough to fight him, and most Men say, 45 is more than 29; and yet the Paris Gazette insultingly tells us, That the Count de Tholouse was arriv’d safe at Thoulon, after having in vain, endeavour’d to fight the Confederate Fleet.

’Tis true, most People take this for a French Bluster, and so do I; But what Country bluster must this pass for, that 29 Men of War should venture into the Streights, when 45 of the Enemy were just gone before them? and all Men that know that part of the World, must know there is no Port to have secur’d himself from the Confederates, if they had been too strong for him, and it was not probable he could reach Thoulon, before Sir G—, with his Confederate Fleet, should be upon him. Continue reading Saturday, June 24. 1704.