Tuesday, November 7. 1704

Numb. 71.

Tuesday, November 7. 1704.

I am oblig’d so often to Digress, by those Gentlemen that pretend to blame me for Digression, that I think they ought indeed to be call’d the Authors of it.

The Grand Cavil, of what’s all this to the Affairs of France, has been so often thrown in my way, that I think my self under an Obligation to say something to it.

If the Gentlemen Objectors expected, That in Treating of the Affairs of France, I should have confin’d my self to the Limits of their Country, and only wrote a History of the Kingdom, my Title ought to have been A REVIEW OF THE AFFAIRS in FRANCE, not OF it: He that will write only of the Actions of the French, within their own Country, will have his Memoirs, full of little else but Edicts for Taxes, Regulations, Creations and Dispositions of Old and New Offices; Orders for Te Deums for No-Victories; Promotion of Generals; Introduction of Ambassadors; Coining Vainglorious Medals, to the Honour of Immortal, Invincible Lewis XIV. These things interlac’d with Matters of Love, Intrigue, fine Balls, Entertainments, now and then a great Marriage, and not a little Whoring, must have been the Subject of my Worthy Undertaking.

Alas! How little of the active Part of the Affairs of France have been within their own Kingdom? The Glorious Duke of Marlborough has bid the fairest for bringing France to be the Scene of Action, of any Man in the World; and could his Grace, that has conquer’d like Joshua, done one thing more that Joshua did, viz. Cause the Sun to have stood still; could he have Commanded the Season to have gone back, and added three Months more to the Summer, that the French might not have had a Winter to Recruit their Cavalry, Regulate and Refresh their Old Troops, and raise New, I dare not Mention how far he might have push’d, this most advantageous Campaign.

In short, He that will hear of the Affairs of France, so great has been her Influence in all the Courts and Countries of Europe, he must be content to ravel almost into Universal History; at least he must Concern the Active part of Europe in it, or the Story will be Nonsence, Imperfect, Inconsistent with it self, and unworthy both the Author, and any Reader that he ought to Value.

If I do not shew the hand of France in the Affairs of Hungary, then indeed I have launch’d too far; but I demand the Justice of Time to end it, and wonder any man should be tyred with the Particulars.

Nor let any Man be uneasy for the Protestants in Hungary; as to this Story, if it does not do them right, as far as can be expected in Reason, I am mistaken; and as for those who expect more Right than Reason demands, I have no regard to their Demands, and shall never answer their Expectation.


I have Granted the Protestants injur’d on both sides; I agree to all the Barbarity of their Treatment, and think they bore the Punishment of other Mens Crimes — Their Brethren Rise or Rebel, call it what you will, good Terms are offer’d, they refuse them; The Scale of War turns, these State-Warriers turn again, and leave the Church-Warriers in the lurch; they fight it out to the last Gasp, are Conquer’d, and consequently Undone — There’s the whole Case; they are Betray’d and Abandon’d by their Companions, and Civil Right leaves Religious Right to shift for it self.

As to Discretion, I must leave them to Answer for it; if the Protestants ever had a Power, their Religion and Liberties secur’d, to have made Peace with the Emperor, they ought to have done it, and to have oblig’d that part of the Malecontents, whose Claim was only Civil Right, to have acquiesc’d.

But if the Mischief of Ambition affected them all, and shut their Eyes against their own Interest, in the Moment when only it might be secur’d with Advantage; they were certainly to blame in that, without any Reflection upon either the Justice of their Cause, or the Lawfulness of their taking up Arms to Defend it.

When therefore I am reflecting on the Prudence of their Conduct, I see no reason, why any one should tell me of Dishonouring their Cause, because I say; they pursu’d their Cause too far, it does not follow, that I must be understood they began it wrong.

How often I must Repeat, That I believe their Taking up Arms to be on justifyable Grounds, I know not; but no Man will ever prevail with me to say, that they carried it on with justifyable Methods, or contented themselves with attaining the end propops’d, when they might have secur’d it; because ’tis plain ’twas not so.

And this is that I call a want of Moderation; and all that I have said, or can say of the Defect of that Immortal Principle, will be found true of these Miserable People.

It overturn’d all their Property, Ruin’d the very Constitution, gave their Enemies a better Right to Treat them ill, than ever they had before; and made them exceed the Bounds of all manner of Humanity. The want of Moderation in them, made them Provoke their Enemies to an unjustifiable extremity; the want of Moderation in their Enemies, push’d them beyond all manner of bounds.

This sack’d their Towns, broke their Capitulations, desolated their Country, ruin’d their Palaces, demolish’d their Churches, and exercis’d all the Barbarities that immoderate Revenge, whetted by immoderate Provocation, could perform.

I cannot transmit a Catalogue of the Protestants Sufferings in those Countries; it cannot be expected from the imperfect Accounts we have had of them; I am willing to grant as much as the worst Advocate for them can pretend to, — And tho’ what I am going to say, can by no means justifie Count Carrassa, for his Usage of them, yet that all was the Consequence of their Want of Reflection in their Prosperity, and refusing good Conditions, when offer’d them, is most certain; and there I leave it.

ADVICE from the Scandal. CLUB.

WE are oblig’d to break off our Historical Part here, sooner than ordinary, to make good the Promise made to the Justice of Peace, of repeating a Story publish’d in our last Supplement; and which, Satisfaction has been demanded for.

Now as the Story is not only True in Fact, but very well known; all that are concern’d in it, are hereby told, That if they desire it, the Society have since its Publication, receiv’d the Particulars again, vouch’d with unquestion’d Authority, and leave (if the Gentleman desires it, to tell the Names of the Relators. And this the Author humbly hopes, may, together with his own Care of them, preserve his Ears from the Danger threatn’d, Review, N˚ 69.

The Story is as follows.

THE Recorder of a Certain Town in one of the Counties, next adjoyning to Middlesex, being the same mentioned in Review N˚ 63. was summon’d before the Society.

The Charge was something new, viz. That he had, contrary to Decency and Brotherly Respect, bound one of her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace over to the Sessions, and also Levy’d Money of him with unusual Rudeness and Incivility, both being Justices of the Peace in the same County.


His Worship, the Recorder, readily appearing, told the Society the Fact was true, Abstracted from the Adverbs of Rudely, Uncivilly, Unneighbourly, and the like; for that he was reduc’d, by the said Brother Justice, to an absolute Necessity of putting the Law in Execution, or denying Justice to his Neighbours; the Case being as follows.

The Justice falling out with an Honest, Substantial Citizen, ruffles him in the Street, and drew his Sword upon him; the By-standers took care to take the wicked Weapon from him, and then he Challenges the Honest Man to fight him, strikes him two or three times with his Whip, and used all the possible Liberty of his Tongue to Provoke him; as thus, D–n ye, I am a Justice of the Peace, you D–g, and I have struck you three times, why don’t you fight me? This he follow’d with about 20 Oaths more, and all not provoking the Man, he strips, pulls off his coat, Linnen, Perriwig, &c. and falls on the Man with the Butt end of his Whip; the Shopkeeper, unwilling to hurt his Lordship, but forc’d to it by his violence, bestow’d a dusting upon him, and fairly thresh’d him to his Heart’s Content; and when he had done, carried him before this Gentleman, the Recorder of the City, demanding Justice upon him, which he could not deny, and so bound him over.

As to Levying Money, &c. that was upon Conviction of his prophane Swearing, which also he could not refuse, being not disposed to take a Negative Oath in the Case; besides, he affirm’d this Gentleman had frequently been Fin’d for like Crimes, and had been Presented for such horrid Disorders by the Grand Jury, that some Justices of the Peace refused to Act while he is on the Bench, who is such a shame to the Office, and a Breaker of the Publick Peace.

The Apology the Gentleman made, was so Just, his Defence so Clear, and the Case so Remarkable, the Society Voted;

1. That this Gentleman had Honourably discharg’d his Office, and Acted like a Man of Honour, Courage and Justice.

2. They heartily wish’d there were as many Justices of the Peace, willing, and ready to Act in the same manner, as there are Vicious Magistrates, who deserve Punishment in the same kind.

3. They directed the Gentlemen, who inform’d them of this Case, to observe what course the Bench of Justices take with this Bully magistrate, at the Quarter Sessions, and to report the Particulars to the Society, for their further Direction in this Affair.

4. They directed them also to Enquire how long this R–ke has been a Justice of the Peace, and by whose Recommendation he was put in?

The Society has industriously avoided Reflections upon the Stage; not but that, as some say, they merited often to come before them; but considering they have several Attacks made upon them by other Hands, it has been thought not honourable to fall upon them at the same time. But it could not be avoided, that the Society should hear a Certain Person of extraordinary Figure, whose Complaint obliges them humbly to propose to the Gentlemen of the Stage, that a civil satisfactory Answer may be given to this material Question.

Why the Play, call’d The London Cuckolds, above all the rest they had before them, should be Acted on my Lord Mayor’s Day?

The Society has always desir’d Gentlemen to avoid sending them any ensnaring Stories; and therefore wonder with what Face, a Certain Gentleman could desire of them to publish the Particulars, of a Certain City-Treat, lately made at a Great House near the Water Side; with a particular List of

How many Magistrates were drunk there.

How many Oaths were swore there.

How many Bawdy-Songs were sung there; and what Songs they were; and what Ladies were in the Room and heard them.

What Magistrate paid for singing them.

Who p¬–t over the Balcony on the Peoples Heads;
And who so drunk, they were oblig’d to do it in their Breeches, and the like.

The Society protesting against all such things as these, desire the Gentleman who sent them the Letter, to take Notice, that unless he gives Leave to have his Name set to the Account, they cannot agree to have any such terrible things put into their Paper.

One Mr. H.H. who sent a Letter some time since, to the Society, and another since, to remind them of the former; is desired to call at Mr. Matthews’s, where his Letters were sent, and he will have a special Answer to his Case.

Upon an Humble Petition from the Worshipful Renter-Wardens of the Company; the Business relating to the Stationers Dinner, is deferred till next Saturday.


A D V E R T I S E M E N T.

WHereas in several Written News-Letters, dispers’d about the Countries, and suppos’d to be written by one Dyer, a News-Writer, and by Mr. Fox, Bookseller, in Westminster-Hall; it has falsly, and of meer Malice, scandalously been inserted, That Daniel de Foe was Absconded, run away, fled from Justice, had deserted his Security, forfeited his Behaviour; had been searched for by Messengers, could not be found; and more the like Scoundrel, Reproachful and Malicious Expressions: The said Daniel de Foe hereby desires all People, who are willing not to be impos’d upon, by the like Villainous Practices, to take Notice;

That the whole Story, and every part of it, is a meer Genuine Forgery, Injuriously and Maliciously contriv’d, if possible, to bring him into Trouble; That the said Daniel de Foe, being at St. Edmund’s Bury in Suffolk, when the first of these Papers appear’d; immediately wrote Letters to both Her Majesty’s Secretaries of State, to acquaint their Honours with his being in the Country, on his Lawful occasions; and to let them know, that on the least Intimation from them, he would come up Post, and put himself into their hands, to Answer any Charge that should be brought against him.

That as soon as his Business was over in the Country, he made his Humble Complaint of this unprecedented Usage to the Secretary of State, and had the Honour to understand, that no Officer, Messenger, or other Person had receiv’d any Order, Warrant, or other Direction, to Search for, enquire after, Take, Apprehend, or otherwise Disturb the said Daniel de Foe; or that there was any Complaint, Accusation, or Charge brought against him.

And further, having been inform’d, That Mr. Robert Stephens, the Messenger, had Reported, that he had an Order, or Power from the Secretaries of State, to Stop and Detain the said Daniel de Foe, and that he made several Enquiries after him to that purpose.

The said Daniel de Foe, hereby gives Notice, That as soon as he came to Town, and before his Application to the Secretary of State, as abovesaid, he went, and in the presence of sufficient Witnesses, spoke with the said Robert Stephens, the Messenger, as he calls himself, of the Press; and offering himself into his custody, Demanded of him, if he had receiv’d any Order, to Stop, Take, or Detain him; and he denyed that he had any such order, notwithstanding he had most openly, and in Villainous Terms, Reported before, that he would Detain him if he could find him; and had in a Scandalous manner made Enquiries after him.

The said Daniel de Foe having no other Remedy against such barbarous Treatment, but by setting the Matter in a Clear Light; thinks he could do no less in Justice, to the Government and himself, than make this Publication; and further, he hereby offers the Reward of Twenty Pounds, to any person that will Discover to him, so as to prove it, the Author and Publisher of any of those Written News-Letters, in which those Reports were Publish’d, which shall be paid Immediately (upon such Proof made) at the Publisher’s of this Paper: Witness my hand,
Daniel de Foe.

ADvertisements are taken in by J. Matthews in Pilkington-Court in Little-Britain.

A D V E R T I S E M E N T S.

EXcellent BOHEE TEA at 12 s. and clean JESUITS BARK, at 4, 6, 8 and 10 s. per pound, sold by Robert Fary, Druggist, near St. Magnus Church, entring on London-Bridge.

Yesterday was published,

THe Rights of the Church of England, Asserted and Proved; in an Answer to a late Pamphlet, intitled, the Rights of the Protestant Dissenters, in a Review of their Case, price 2 s.

*** A Doctor in Physick Cures all the Degrees and Indispositions in Venereal Persons, by a most easie, safe, and expeditious Method; and of whom any Person may have Advice, and a perfect Cure, let his or her Disease be of the longest Date: He likewise gives his Advice in all Diseases, and prescribes a Cure. Dr. HARBOROUGH, (a Graduate Physician) in Great Knight-Riders-Street, near Doctors Commons.

AT the White Swan upon Snow Hill, over-against the Green Dragon Tavern, are made and sold the Newest fashion Flower-Pots for Gardens; Urns, Eagles, and Pine-Apples, to stand upon Posts of Large Gates; also large or small Figures, all made of hard Mettal, much more durable than Stone, and cheaper; also Candle Moulds, fit to make Wax or Tallow Candles, from I in the Pound, to 20: There is also made Artificial fountains, that Play Water from 1, 2, or 3 Foot, to 20 or 30 Foot high, 1, 2, 3, or 6 Hours together, without Repeating with the same Water; which Fountains or Engines may be made use of to extinguish Fire 40 or 50 Foot high, with a continued Stream, larger than the Common Fire-Engines.

Just Published,

THe Monthly Weather-Paper: Being some Baroscopical Discoveries of the Alterations of the Wind and Weather, every Day and Night in November. 1704. To be continued, and Published at the beginning of every Month. By Gustavus Parker. Printed for Geo. Sawbridge, and sold by J. Nutt near Stationer-Hall. 1704.
N. B. Every days Weather has happened as predicted.


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