Inequality and governance

Inequality and governance

The responses to globalization are determined by the effects of centralization on the countries economic, political, cultural,  and democratic factors that changed during the Arab uprising. First, it is important to note that the revolutions were patriotic from the domestic context and had not taken authority in foreign power. However, the western countries have an influence on the Middle East countries, and the influence has created opportunities towards embracing globalization.

As a result of globalization, issues such as equality and governance are being depicted within the countries, and this creates significance towards developing positive influences that integrate the countries to the global systems.  Although the Arab Spring may have created inequality, there is a desire for the countries to experience globalization. However, fears that the global system might create threats to the Islamic nations is still influencing the nations from integrating with the Western countries.

The United States is said to have secured foreign policies in some of the Arab countries, and these may have positively influenced the manner of integration as social developments have been enhanced. This brings out the issue of culture being the driving force on the manner in which globalization is being experienced within countries. This is because culture has influenced the use of technology and communication between regions, and this are identified as issues that enhanced spread of information during the revolution. In addition, the Islamic nations are afraid of having western countries influencing them with ideas that would affect them in one way or another.

Role of culture in globalization

The resistance that the Arab countries showed during the revolution is a sign that globalization played a big role during the time. The events that took place in an Arab country for instance Tunisia are the same events that took place in the other countries such as Egypt. This was as a result of the information exchange that took place between the countries. Culture also plays a role in globalization because the countries engaged in similar events because they are all tied to similar cultural values.

Giving reference to Libya, the country received concerns from the West, but the fact that Gaddafi was against the West influences, Libya’s spring became dramatic. Some of the concerns that the West enhanced during the crisis in Libya was the spread of information through communication channels such as television and social media. These channels made the fighters to become united and they also gained the strength to continue fighting for what they believed in. In addition, information was spread through the Al-Jazeera channel, which aired events despite having pleas from countries not to spread such information to the public.

The crisis in Libya would have affected the global market because the country borders the Mediterranean and the crisis would affect the energy markets that the border offers to Europe. This is one of the reasons why the West was ready to intervene during the Libya crisis.


Globalization has had influence during the Arab revolution, and this is significant because of the changes that took place due to globalization pressures between Arab countries. Information of events in a country led to engagement of similar events in different Arab countries, and this is because the people influenced each other to achieve their goals, having been tied to similar cultural backgrounds.

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