The five perspectives of globalization

The five perspectives of globalization

Studying topics on globalization for me is very interesting because I get to know that the revolutions were because of globalization processes. However, globalization does not occur uniformly and as such, globalization is a matter of determining who is getting what where and when and I have realized form the in-depth reading that indeed globalization is a controversial topic from many seeing even the lack of a specific definition of the universal term. Political realism is an important aspect of globalization seeing as the politics of particular states affect the stability of major players on globalization such as the United States and as such when for instance aspects such as migration are seen to cause, a problem to these nations they are discouraged they will definitely inhibit growth. Market liberalisms seems to be the most important perspective which fosters globalization and this is because with market liberalizations the free markets allow for economies to grow and as such development spreads across the regions ensuing that goods can be imported and exported ensuring that resources and finances are distributed all across the world. Globalization should indeed in my point of view be made equal because there is fear that of the superior states are the ones, which gave access to the most power, and the fair share of the resources even in terms of controlling the other minorities, there will be inequality, which will lead to even political suppression.



Technology In Globalization 

With globalization, came technology and this technology has done many good but vices have also increased because of this technology. The internet is one of the greatest gifts of globalization but in fact, it contributed greatly to the escalation of the revolution in the Arab countries and also in Tunisia. Instead of giving globalization as the general reason of the happenings, the agent of globalization, which is technology, and in specific the internet is to blame for these woes. Through the blogs and other social sites on the internet, information was spread which escalated the issues. The technology was a great agent of change, which enabled the citizens who ahd been oppressed to see a possibility of the change that they could effect if they took the leap of faith. Essentially, since globalization began, technology was the major booster of the globalization and the distribution of resources across the world. Before the revolution of Tunisia, people ahd began utilizing the internet for trade of goods and services ad news and other information was being spread over the internet. It is for this reason that information was easy to pass over the internet because people all over the world has to know of that particular information and try to help in the revolution process.



The revolution was accelerated by globalization in the form of technology and as such, this was a major contributor. Globalization is influenced by market liberalization, political realism and other perspectives which if not present globalization would not be successful. Perspectives like political realism can be very disadvantageous to the process of globalization because the powerful states and nations could easily prohibit development in the developing countries. However, in the case of the revolution of the Arab world, globalization was a positive player with the use of the internet and the numerous social sites.


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