Prototype 2 (Inkjet)

If the first couple of images were swapped with any other pair, let us say the ones on pages four and five, the logic of my sequence would break down because it is meant to start from the perspective of the first character, the “girl who is seeing the city for the first time.” If the viewer would notice, all the poems are told from third-person. All except the first poem, which is told from first-person. Therefore, conceptually, the first character is observing all the other characters as she roams the city for the first time and takes in the sights.

I have changed the font from the automatic one to Bodoni 72, because I wanted something simple and not too flashy, as the book is supposed to have a pensive mood, as if the viewer/reader were wondering through the city themselves, simultaneously wondering through their thoughts, and Bodoni 72 fit that character. I moved the pages numbers a little more inward, because they were so close to the edge of the pages that I almost chopped them off when trimming.

Inkjet Prototype- Front CoverInkjet Prototype- Pages 2,3Inkjet Prototype- Pages 4,5Inkjet Prototype- Pages 6,7Inkjet Prototype- Pages 8,9Inkjet Prototype- Pages 10,11Inkjet Prototype- Pages 12,13Inkjet Prototype- Pages 14, 15Inkjet Prototype- Pages 16, 17Inkjet Prototype- Pages 18-19Inkjet Prototype- Pages 20, 21Inkjet Prototype- Pages 22, 23Inkjet Prototype- Pages 24, 25Inkjet Prototype- Pages 26, 27Inkjet prototype- Back Cover

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