Blog Post #1 VISU-1100

Part 1:

1)What are the main points of each article?

The main point of article one is to discuss how to be a successful innovator you must first carrier and think of your self as an artist. You must do this because in today’s society artist are becoming the new business leaders. As innovators need to keep up with the latest and greatest inventions and tools they need to think like someone who is creative and lives their life everyday in a productive world.


The main point of article two was how artists are similar to entrepreneurs. Today in the world more and more artist are becoming entrepreneurs to making something of them selves. These similarities include being passionate about what you do and your end product. Commitment and sticking to what you love. Also dealing with reality as sometimes things might not turn out how you wanted them too.

2)What can artists learn from their “entrepreneurial cousins”?

Artist can learn how to take risks with their work. When an artist takes a risk it lets them try new things they might not have tired before. And without taking risks how would an artist ever know if they do or don’t like something.

3)Do you agree that artists are entrepreneurs? why?

Yes, I agree and artists are entrepreneurs because as an artist my self I feel like we have to always support our work and ourselves. Like an entrepreneur artist work for themselves and with themselves to create the best work they can.

4)Which of the 12 characteristics of artists do you agree with?

Out of the 12 characteristics or artist I agree that artist think by making and are passionate about their work. Artists are visual people so they must make something that expresses what is going on in their mind. They are also very passionate people because the art they create is like no other persons work. An artist’s work is very personal.

5)What others would you add to the list? 

I would also add that artist are freethinking people and are open to new ideas. Artist can be very open through their work and how they carry themselves. They have to be open to spilling all their emotions into the art they create.

6)Additional notes. 

Artists are both entrepreneurs and innovators all together.

Part 2: 

1)Do you have grit, or is this something you need to work on?

I have 3.75% or grit, but it is still something I need to work on. Grit can be very beneficial with it comes to pursuing your goals.

2)List a couple of things you could do to increase your level of grit. 

To increase my level of grit I can focus on goals I set for my self and not get distracted when I face let downs. This will help me gain more grit so I can be as successful as I can be.


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