You need to connect both sides of the story. Finding a way to bring together the different aspects are very important.

While Keith Richard’s was talking about his first encounter with the acoustic guitar, he talked about his first time seeing someone playa certain set of notes. He was drawn to it and wanted to get his own guitar. His experience pulled him in and made him fall in love. He would spend all day trying to learn the cords from records and things like that. These experiences really shaped who he is and his love for guitar.

He also talked about how he views the art and how sometimes minimalist ideas and not completely filling the musical space is significant. He brings all of his past experiences with other artists into his daily life as well and shares those experiences.

I think how one views ideas and experiences are all based in events of the past. Throughout the interview, it was constantly being brought back to the past and his experiences. His ideas also seemed to be shaped by those experiences.


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