
My favorite game of all time is Halo 2 for Xbox. I was first introduced to Halo eleven years ago when a friend sold me his Xbox. Although I don’t play video games as much as I used to, I still am a huge fan of the Halo series. This game inspired me in a variety of ways not just related to gaming. I love the Halo soundtrack so much that it inspired me to learn how to play guitar so that I could one day play the guitar solos in the main Halo theme. The artwork of halo has inspired the creative process behind my drawings and sketches. The story and lore behind Halo has inspired me to think creatively about how I can daydream intricately and get lost in my own mind. The thing I really like about Halo is the immense story and lore behind the series. If you play the games you can get a really interesting story that has to do with humanity against an alien race that tries to essentially wipe out the whole galaxy. However if you go online and read more about the series you can delve a lot deeper into the story and know about the controversial kidnapping of children by the military, whom then get forcibly augmented into super-soldiers. If you haven’t played Halo or know anything about it, I would highly recommend reading about it or even watch one of the many live-action and animated tv series.


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