The talk that Dan Phillips gave was absolutely fascinating to me. He turns materials that others have seen as waste into focal points in creating a house. The part of his talk that spoke to me the most was when he talked about how he features blemishes. The reason I liked this so much was because everyone has this idea of perfection. When someone creates, they want it to be perfect and not show the blemishes but to me, the blemishes are part of the art work. It adds detail and makes you think about it more. He also mentions that he has had a lot of failure in his life with his projects but he learns from it and tries again. This is something I have been trying to work on. I like my work to achieve so it is hard when it does not. Throughout his whole talk, he shows layering which is what we are doing in our class right now with collages. He use materials on materials and creates objects like a bathtub and it is incredible. Mostly, I like how he says that we need to be true to ourselves and reconnect with who we really are as a person and that is how we will create to the best of our abilities.

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